Over a month ago, Animal Adventure Park began live-streaming a giraffe cam. The star of the show is the unborn calf that is taking its sweet time to be born. The leading lady is the almost puppy-like April, a 15 year old giraffe. Her baby's daddy, Oliver, is a rambunctious 5 year old. As a young bull, his interests are eating and mating so he is kept separate from the very pregnant April. Despite the divider, the giraffe cam frequently is witness to sweet head touching, neck circling signs of affection between April and Oliver. For weeks, thousands of people tune in. What started as the great baby watch has morphed into something else.
So what is the appeal in watching a giraffe pace around a stall bigger than my house, chewing her cud, throwing alfalfa over her body, and sweetly taking carrots and lettuce from her darling caretakers, the vet, and the park owner? Why do so many turn in for 9pm tuck in, where treats are given and the stall is cleaned? Do most, like me, watch with jealousy as the caretakers stroke the magnificent creature and kiss her belly? Or do they sympathize with the expectant mother, pregnant for 15 months, give or take 60 days?
Whatever the reasons for tuning in, April's little family has done remarkable things for giraffe conservation and research. It has brought people together from all across the globe. I was watching the cam when news outlets reported the attack in London. Do you know what I saw? Comment after comment of people reaching out to strangers. I've seen people sunk in a depression so deep find comfort through this giraffe cam. I've seen children deciding the future is theirs and they can be a part in saving our creatures.
This isn't about a giraffe. It's much, much larger.
April is already larger than life